Tuesday 18 April 2017

Why we are getting addicted to the Ashtanga Yoga?

There is something about the daily practice, it becomes a ritual. Waking up early going to the shala for the practice.

Ashtanga yoga Shalas are quiet. No one is sitting on his/her mat chatting with other people, talking about how fabulous your yoga pant is, asking what is your yoga mat, laughing loudly, no, all of theses things are not happening in an Ashtanga Yoga Shala.

You just come, unfold your mat, chant (or not) the opening mantra and then ekam inhale and practice starts.

Some days are good some days are really bad, sometimes the body is completely stiff, you have to deal with it, no whining to the teacher "oh why today my body is so stiff?"... everyones knows why, it happens, nothing is static, each day is different, you are different each new day and so the practice will be different.

Changes are happening, you can feel them. As you are practicing daily the same posture you can feel the difference from day 1 to day 250, you can notice that you are going deeper into the asana without any pain and any fear. You gained courage and confidence and you always remember that nothing is achieve, your practice is always in a process of constant changes as well your body as well your breathing.

Even thought sometimes you feel the temptation of comparing yourself to others the more you are practicing the less you do it. Your mat is becoming your world, your own space, you are completely focus.

The reason we are getting addicted to the Ashtanga Yoga is the realisation that everything is possible. When you are comparing your practice from Day 1 to now there are big changes and still going on. You feel that you improve yourself, not only on the physical part but on the mentally part as well. In a way you are making peace with yourself by knowing you better.

It is also a silent connections with others practitioners, at one point you will notice that you are enfolding your mat at the same place, nearby the same practitioner, even thought your flow will be different from him/her there is something that is guiding you toward the same direction. When the yoga shala is full then it is different but when there is plenty of place you will tend to go on the same spot.

Which to me is really funny because I never had "my spot", I used to change a lot but lately I have noticed that I am putting my mat on the very same place.

The same way you silently understand that some places are "booked" even though the practitioner is not there. For instance I will never ever put my yoga mat on the front row or the second row. 

Most of the time when you exchange the first time with a student the first question is "how was your practice today?". We all know how hard it is so we often encourage each others and talking with others brings you some new highlight to your practice.

It is like being in a community but without living altogether all the time. It is a daily 2 hours of practice where we are sharing our energy and to me it is priceless.

My practice this morning was really good, I almost catch on my own in Supta Kurmasana and Iain was behind me, when he saw my fingers touching each others I heard him saying "hey...."... then he stopped because I was not able to catch but he adjusted me...  but silently we both agreed that it is finally coming ;-)

During shirshasana I have noticed that now I don't really let my head touching the floor, without any efforts (well still pushing hard into the shoulders) I can really feel that my head is lifting up, means that I am building strength in my upper  body which is a good news for all my new jump back and jump front that are slowly coming. I am getting better and better into the jump front still heavy in the jump back.

Right now I am considering staying in Bali on July as well. I am supposed to fly to Greece after Mark Robberds workshop but can not find a flight ticket..... I wanted to practice with Kritina Karitinou and I am having a second thought..... 

To be continued :-)

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