Saturday 24 September 2016

Funny thoughts....

I am still practicing the physical part of Yoga which is Asana. However my thoughts are struck in my head, completely moving every where.

I am caught with bad thinking about what I am reading on Facebook or Instagram or others blogues.

As a Yoga Teacher or Pilates Teacher or Holistic Guide/Teacher, or whatever the name you are giving to yourself, I completely understand in order to "survive" or to make a living with our knowledge at one point we need to commercialise ourself.

However I do have problem on how the merchandising is done.

So in order to solve this there are bunch of people who are willing to help you, to guide you, to give you the key of success, to show you how to expand yourself, to explain you how to reach your goals.

Basically they are creating a new demand. 

How by downloading a guide in PDF from internet will someone become successful? There is no guide for success.... and especially when the person who is "selling" his secret is not even well known. At least if someone like Kim Kardashian is selling you her guide to success then okay she has probably something good to share about it because she is the proof that with not much talent you can become very successful.

Why people need to rely on other to gain their own trust?

Can you just trust yourself and do the best you can do. If your passion is to become a musician then practice your music and try to become the best as you can, but you will need to practice a lot and to commit yourself into your passion. The PDF guide will not be helpful at all...

So instead of losing money by attending workshops where the topic is "how to become a successful Yoga Teacher" or else, first practice, then dedicate yourself to your practice, then start sharing what you know, start teaching it if it is your wish but do not wast your time and money by depending of other "guide". Just TRUST YOURSELF!

No one has the recipe and if someone has it then he can share it for FREE, that will be completely "Yogi Style"!

Be happy, you are the BEST, you are BEAUTIFUL, whatever you want you can GET IT (but you will have to work hard and commit of course), RELY ON YOURSELF, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE OF YOUR OWN HAPPINESS, TRUST YOURSELF because YOU ARE THE BEST!

- Namaste -

Monday 19 September 2016

Mysore Practice - New York

Nothing special to say about it. My body was little bit grumpy but I managed well. Nice practice, smooth and relaxe. Did not do all Janu Shirshasana, I am in "economy mode" for my knee as well same as Marichy did not the last one. 

Rest of the practice was nice. I am back on my mat and not in competition with myself, I have nothing to prove, my goal is to practice with a peaceful mind and not hurting my body as I've done it before.

Right now is Pancake time :-)

Sunday 18 September 2016

Led Primary Series - Eddie Stern, Yoga Brooklyn New York

Starts: 9.30 AM
Ends: 11.30 AM with pranayama
Only 8 Sun Salutations

It has been 3 full weeks since my last practice. This morning when I woke up, no jet lag. 

Practice was actually really good, I can feel that I have lost some flexibility but it will come back soon, however Kurmasana was good, no pain at all in the lower back of at the back of my legs.

Left knee was easy to deal with, so far it is not painful at all, will see tomorrow.

Eddie Stern is smaller that I was thought ;-)

We did a pranayama at the end, a baby Nadi Shodi, 5 to 6 breathing with the left nostril then close then same with the right nostril.

For a come back it was really good, will see how my body will react tomorrow morning. I will go back to the Mysore Class starting tomorrow and this until the end of the week.

Then Sharat by October 5th, 2016. Happy!

- Namaste -

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Brooklyn Yoga Club - Here I come!

I am finally reaching the end of my vacation and will be back on the mat by September 18th under the guidance of Eddie Sterne at the Brooklyn Yoga Club in New York.

I am very happy to have this opportunity to practice with him. Hopefully my body will respond well after weeks of non practice. At least I do not have any pain in my knees so stopping the practice for 2 (or maybe 3) weeks was good for it. 

Next update, next week after my practice :-)

- Namaste -