Tuesday 21 March 2017

Jangalika Yoga Shala - No joke with Ashtanga :-)

After 9 Urdhva Dhanurasana, I was skipping the Chakrasana for a normal Vinyasa....

Teacher: What are you doing? You are supposed to do Chakrasana.

Me: I know.....

Teacher: Then why you are not doing it??

Me: Because I am lazy..... (not proud about this one)....

Well in the end I did Chakrasana.

Practicing with Mannu puts me back together. My shoulders are very painful because I never ever opened them like this before.

I really love his adjustments, today it was the best Supta Kurmasana I ever did and I completely rely to his hands, he said "relax" I relax and let him bounding my legs behind my head in a soft and gentle touch.

Happy to practice with Mannu and highly recommended. If you want to explore the Mysore style in Thailand go to Koh Pha Ngan and practice with him. 

I must say I came here ONLY to practice with him and I have absolutely no regret. 

Visit his website:

And book your flight ticket :-)

- Namaste -

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